Grandview Presbyterian Church is located in northwest Glendale, California, seven miles north of Los Angeles. It is surrounded by the Verdugo Mountains to the east, Griffith Park to the west, the city of Burbank to the north, and the city of Eagle Rock to the south. Grandview had its beginning in 1924, as a Presbyterian Mission Project. At that time, Glendale was mostly rural and consisted of many vineyards. Glendale experienced a growth spurt, resulting in the building of single-family dwellings in its northwest section – where Grandview had its beginning. This growth spurt necessitated that Grandview supplement its Sunday School with a preaching service.
Grandview Presbyterian Church was chartered in 1925. It began with 75 members and was housed in the Grandview Elementary School (now Thomas Jefferson Elementary School) until 1928. Grandview members moved to its first worship center, now known as the Chapel, directly across the street from the elementary school. As the church grew, there was a need for a larger facility. A Sanctuary was built in 1957 which holds 450 people.
Grandview experienced significant growth between 1925 and 1967, necessitating the addition of programs, buildings, and staff in order to effectively minister to its members. Today, besides the Grandview congregation, there are 4 ethnically-diverse congregations who use Grandview’s facilities for worship: Armenian, Korean, African, and Filipino.
With a hope to continue Grandview’s mission to provide Christian ministries for every age, we are beginning new ministries each month and invite you to join us. We hope you will find your place here at Grandview and experience the wonderful church family we have. We love new ministry ideas and with the Lord’s leading we work hard to see them happen.
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